Hi Everyone. I’m Robin Walker. I’m guessing my name will be familiar to those of you who have been with TESOL-SPAIN for some time. I was Vice-president of the association from 2003 to 2007. Others may know me from talks and workshops I’ve given at conferences, from courses I’ve run around Spain, or through my work with both Oxford University Press and Trinity College London.

I started my career in 1981, and now, over 40 years later, it is coming to an end. That has left me with considerable pile of books related to our profession, the teaching of English. This is turn leaves me with the option of throwing these books in the blue bin for recycling paper, or finding them another owner. I’ve chosen the latter path.

Throughout the conference my library will be available for free give-away in the book exhibition area of the conference. The books are not for sale. I don’t have a licence to sell them. But they are not entirely free because if you take a book, I’d like you to make a donation to a Spanish-based charity that I am trying to raise funds for.

The charity is called Aldeas Infantiles (www.aldeasinfantiles.es). Premio Princesa de Asturias de la Concordia in 2016, Aldeas Infantiles is the largest NGO in Spain working directly and specifically with young kids and adolescents who for one reason or another cannot be with their parents. Aldeas Infantiles also works extensively with vulnerable families so as to avoid parents and children from being separated in the first place, and is there for disadvantaged young people who need support as they strive for full integration into social and work environments.

TESOL–SPAIN is a national professional association whose members work tirelessly around the country with the young people who need English. Aldeas Infantiles is a leading Spanish NGO that works equally tirelessly with young people who need help getting a decent start in life. The two organisations have so much in common in many ways, so why not help me to help young people in Spain as I reach the end of my career. Come to my table, leave a donation for Aldeas Infantiles, and pick up a book that will help you in your work as an ELT professional in Spain.

Many, many thanks in advance.
